Amazon is the world’s largest e-commerce platform, with millions of products and sellers vying for customers’ attention. To get ahead of the competition, you need to rank high in Amazon’s search results. One way to improve your ranking is by getting more positive reviews for your product. But getting authentic reviews can be a challenge, especially for new sellers.

That’s where Graanade comes in. Graanade is a platform where you can buy Amazon reviews from real customers. In this article, we will answer some frequently asked questions about buying Amazon reviews from Graanade.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Graanade?

Graanade is a platform that connects Amazon sellers with customers who are willing to write reviews for their products. The platform has a database of customers who are interested in writing reviews for products in exchange for discounts or free samples. Graanade ensures that the reviews are honest and unbiased and comply with Amazon’s guidelines.

Is it legal to buy Amazon reviews?

It is not illegal to buy Amazon reviews, Graanade’s review service will only get you real and authentic reviews from Amazon Customers.

How does Graanade ensure that the reviews are authentic?

Graanade has a strict review policy that ensures that the reviews are authentic and comply with Amazon’s guidelines. The platform only allows customers who have actually used the product to write reviews. Graanade also monitors the reviews to ensure that they are honest and unbiased.

How much does it cost to buy Amazon reviews from Graanade?

The cost of buying Amazon reviews from Graanade depends on the number of reviews you want and the price you are willing to pay per review. The platform has a bidding system where sellers can bid for reviews, and customers can choose the offers that they like. The cost of a review can range from a few cents to a few dollars, depending on the product and the competition.

How long does it take to get reviews from Graanade?

The time it takes to get reviews from Graanade depends on several factors, such as the number of reviews you want and the availability of customers who are willing to write reviews for your product. Generally, it takes a few days to a few weeks to get the reviews.

Are the reviews from Graanade guaranteed to be positive?

No, the reviews from Graanade are not guaranteed to be positive. The platform only allows customers to write honest and unbiased reviews. However, you can increase the chances of getting positive reviews by providing high-quality products and excellent customer service.

Can I choose the customers who will write reviews for my product?

No, you cannot choose the customers who will write reviews for your product. Graanade has a database of customers who are interested in writing reviews for products in exchange for discounts or free samples. The platform matches your product with the customers who are most likely to be interested in it.

Can I get in trouble for buying Amazon reviews?

Yes, you can get in trouble for buying Amazon reviews. Amazon prohibits sellers from manipulating reviews and can suspend or even ban your account if it finds out that you have bought reviews. However, if you use a platform like Graanade, which ensures that the reviews are honest and comply with Amazon’s guidelines, the chances of getting caught are significantly reduced.

How many reviews should I buy?

The number of reviews you should buy depends on the competition in your niche and the number of reviews your competitors have. It’s important to note that buying too many reviews at once can raise red flags and lead to suspicion from Amazon. It’s better to start with a small number of reviews and gradually increase them over time.

Can I write my own reviews and post them on Amazon?

No, it is against Amazon’s terms of service to write your own reviews and post them on Amazon. This is considered review manipulation and can lead to account suspension or even legal action.

What are the benefits of buying Amazon reviews from Graanade?

Buying Amazon reviews from Graanade has several benefits, such as:

  • Boosting your product’s ranking: Positive reviews can help improve your product’s ranking in Amazon’s search results, making it more visible to potential customers.
  • Increasing your sales: More positive reviews can lead to more sales, as customers are more likely to purchase products that have good reviews.
  • Building your brand reputation: Positive reviews can help build your brand’s reputation and establish trust with customers.
  • Saving time: Buying reviews can save you time and effort, as you don’t have to wait for organic reviews to come in.


In conclusion, buying Amazon reviews from Graanade can be a great way to boost your product’s ranking, increase sales, and build your brand reputation. However, it’s important to remember that buying reviews is against Amazon’s terms of service, and getting caught can have serious consequences. If you decide to buy reviews, use a platform like Graanade that ensures that the reviews are honest and comply with Amazon’s guidelines. We hope that this article has answered your questions about buying Amazon reviews from Graanade and helped you make an informed decision about your Amazon marketing strategy.


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